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Dentist Corio

Most common disease on the planet?? We have all seen Colgate and Oral B commercials – promising to fight tooth decay and keep your teeth healthy. We have all heard about the apple a day, keep the doctor away story. Well, yes, technically that’s all true, but that’s only one small aspect. Patients at dentist … Read more

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Getting Your Man To A Dental Appointment Corio

It’s For My Partner, Dad, Son Boyfriend… It’s almost every day that we get a phone call from a female, complaining of a broken tooth or a toothache, asking for treatment costs and appointment times. It’s only when we begin to make the booking that she usually says “ohh.. it’s not for me the dental … Read more

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Dentist Tourism

Travelling Overseas For Dental Work? Travelling outside of Australia, to less developed countries to have teeth fixed is becoming a popular choice for patients. The cost of treatment is the biggest factor behind this trend. Each week, here at Corio Central Dental, we see a number of patients who experience financial hardship in their lives … Read more