Why do we bother with baby teeth?

A lot of people think that the baby teeth are the ‘first go of it’ before the adult teeth come out. For this reason, they don’t worry so much about doing treatment on baby teeth. In fact, we should take extra care of your kids baby teeth for these reasons:

  1. Decay in deciduous teeth move very quickly through the teeth. It can infect the nerve and then go on to cause decay in the adult tooth sitting under the gum. Once decay infects an unerupted adult tooth, it is quite involved to fix.
  2. A higher risk of decay in deciduous teeth usually translates to a higher risk in decay in adult teeth. How well you take care of their baby teeth will affect their experience with decay as an adult. Give them the best start and they can continue on as they grow.
  3. Taking out baby teeth before it’s time for them to come out due to infection and abscesses can result in the space closing before the adult teeth are ready to come through. This needs careful monitoring, or a space maintainer to keep the space. If space has been lost from removing a baby tooth too early, orthodontic treatment will be needed to open up the space again.
  4. Children can find it hard to communicate pain. They may be living with discomfort without anyone knowing, resulting in poor nutrition and trouble concentrating at school.


Make sure your kids have the best start they can by bringing them in for regular check ups. Good dental habits start young, and dental problems caught early are easily fixed. It will allow your child to be their best self and thrive at home and school.

Some children in Australia have access to the Child Dental Benefits Scheme. The government allows $1,026 per child, over a two year period for basic dental services. We accept CDBS patients and can claim directly from Medicare, on your behalf. This means no out of pocket payments for you at the end of appointment! Easy!



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