girl with missing baby tooth

Baby teeth:

The official name for baby teeth is deciduous teeth. There are 20 deciduous teeth in total. They start to appear in the mouth at around 6mths of age and may last until the teenage years. Click here for an eruption chart. Similar to adult teeth, they serve an important purpose in chewing, speaking, smiling and biting. Baby teeth are smaller and whiter than, adult teeth.


Can baby teeth get cavities?

YES!!! Absolutely, just like adult teeth, baby teeth can decay due to lack of brushing and consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Cavities can form on the outside or the inside of baby teeth.


Do baby teeth cavities hurt?

YES! Absolutely, just like adult teeth, if baby teeth cavities are deep enough, they will cause pain. If the cavities extend all the way to the centre of the tooth – where the nerve lies, then pain may also come with infection and gum or face swelling.


Don’t they just fall out on their own?

Baby teeth usually get loose and fall out when its time for the adult tooth to come out. They DO NOT automatically just fall out when they get rotten. In fact, a baby tooth may get a cavity and still be years away from when it is due to naturally exfoliate. This presents a dilemma for both the dentist and the parent – to restore or to remove…??

deciduous tooth exfoliation guide


Benefits of restoring baby teeth with cavities:

  • tooth is saved and remains in mouth until it is due to naturally fall out
  • prevent a possibly traumatic experience of having a dental extraction for the child
  • no visible gaps
  • child able to bite, chew and speak properly
  • if cavity shallow – procedure may not require the use of a dental anaesthetic (needle)


Downsides of restoring baby teeth with cavities:

  • if cavity deep – procedure may require the use of a dental anaesthetic (needle)
  • multiple appointments may be required
  • tooth may flare up in the future and need further treatment
  • quality of the restoration depends on how still the child can remain during appointment
  • can be financially challenging
  • may require a visit to a kid’s dental specialist


Benefits of pulling out baby teeth with cavities:

  • single appointment – usually pretty quick
  • no risk of tooth causing problem again – more definitive solution
  • less expensive


Downsides of pulling out baby teeth with cavities:

  • may be a traumatic experience for the child
  • unnatural gap is created in the mouth
  • surrounding teeth may move in, to close the gap
  • may not be enough room for the adult tooth – when it comes out
  • harder to eat (if at the back)
  • harder to speak (if at the front)

What’s the best option?

There is definitely no one-fits-all answer, in relation to what the best treatment option is. The important factors to consider are:

  1. How comfortable is your child with the idea of keeping VS pulling out their tooth?
  2. How long until the adult tooth is due to come out?
  3. What length appointment can your child tolerate?
  4. Financial considerations
  5. What to the other teeth look like and will they require treatment too?

It’s a very good idea to get a professional opinion from a dentist and consider all factors, before committing to either keeping or pulling out a baby tooth. If you feel that your child may require dental treatment, please come in for a consultation and at least know what the options are.

The best time to either restore a tooth with a cavity or remove it, is BEFORE it becomes painful. Don’t leave it until it’s too late.



girl suffering dental fear

Why are people scared of the dentist?

A large number of patients find the idea of seeing the dentist absolutely terrifying! Being scared of the dentist can be justified by a negative previous experience, possibly in childhood. It may also have no correlation to any previous experiences and simply result from the common belief that dental clinics are scary. Both situations result in patients putting off their needed dental work, which can end up in more pain, more complex treatment, higher overall stress and treatment costs.

How common is dental fear?

Dental fear/phobia/anxiety ranges from mild to severe. Studies come up with various numbers, which always suggest more than 50% or half of the population to have some sort of dental fear. Our collective experience of working in the industry would lean towards around 70% of new patients we see, experience some level of discomfort.

Top 15 reasons why people are scared of the dentist:

  • not being numb enough at their previous dental appointment
  • previous dental appointment was painful
  • previous dentist was not friendly
  • previous dentist did not explain what was happening during the appointment
  • mouth was sore after the previous dental appointment
  • dental cost was much higher than expected
  • realisation that teeth are in much worse state than expected
  • overwhelmed by the amount of dental treatment needed
  • hopelessness about the state of dental health
  • embarrassment about the state dental health
  • fear of being judged by staff at the dental practice
  • lack of control during a previous dental appointment
  • overwhelmed by the noise of dental equipment
  • feeling vulnerable in the dental chair
  • lack of trust for the dentist

There are many more reasons which may not be included here, but hopefully, the above mentioned, may help you to realise that you are not alone in your struggle, and many, many others share the same fears.

What you can do to make your experience easier?

  • Take a leap of faith and book in, to JUST MEET one of our dentists, at Corio Central Dental. No treatment needs to happen at the first appointment, if you are not ready.
  • Please share your fears and concerns, with the dentist.
  • Be clear about what may be a trigger for you and what you find most frightening.
  • Allow the dentist to guide you through the process. We promise we have done this before.
  • Try your best to NOT cancel your scheduled next appointment. You will feel very proud of yourself if you keep it!
  • It may take some time to build trust with a new dentist, be patient with yourself.

What we can do to make your experience easier?

  • At Corio Central Dental, we are committed to taking the time to listen to you.
  • The first step in helping you to manage dental anxiety is understanding what causes it.
  • Once, we work out what some of your worries are, we can offer ideas to reduce the anxiety levels.
  • All staff at Corio Central Dental are trained in Dental Anxiety Management and can suggest options that work well for you.
  • We get to know you and your specific needs, to help you to feel more at ease wth every appointment.
  • Develop a life long patient-dentist relationship, based on trust.



female unsure whether mercury filling removal is a good idea

What are mercury fillings?

The terms; silver fillings, amalgam fillings and mercury fillings all mean the same thing. Silver fillings are made from a dental material called amalgam. Dental amalgam is a liquid mercury and metal alloy mixture. Amalgam commonly consists of mercury (50%), silver (~22–32%), tin (~14%), zinc (~8%) and other trace metals. Amalgam fillings used to be very popular a long time ago. It was the only dental material used, in fact, for many years. Once, white (resin composite) fillings were developed, many dentists have stopped using amalgam. Mercury filling removal is a popular procedure, we offer to patients, at Corio Central Dental.


Are mercury fillings bad for your health?

The effects of silver fillings on overall health, is a concern for some patients. The media often talks about the dangers of mercury fillings. Can mercury can leak out of the fillings and circulate around your body? There is very little evidence based, conclusive research, to suggest one way or the other.  We have had patients report feeling better, once all their mercury fillings have been replaced.

Should I have mercury filling removal?

At Corio Central dental, we do not recommend prophylactically removing all silver fillings. We only suggest that patients replace silver fillings, if there is a problem with them. The photos included below, show some of the problems that commonly occur in teeth with old mercury fillings.


Top 10 reasons you should replace your mercury fillings to white fillings:

  • silver filling is broken
  • tooth around filling is chipped
  • amalgam filling is leaking
  • mercury filling causing a crack in your tooth
  • metal filling causing staining of your tooth
  • existing filling worn down and ineffective
  • old filings cosmetically unacceptable
  • amalgam fillings have deteriorated, after decades of use
  • tooth decay under the silver filling
  • poor fitting filling, causing gum inflammation
mercury filling removal lower tooth showing amalgam filling and crack
Molar with a vertical crack
mercury filling removal lower molar with a broken amalgam filling
Molar with old and broken silver filling








Is mercury filling removal difficult?

The difficulty depends on the size of existing silver filling, because that determines how much healthy natural tooth is remaining. Replacement of a small mercury filling to a white filling is a standard and relatively easy dental procedure. However, if the tooth around the silver filling has broken down and there is minimal tooth structure remaining, a crown may be required to rebuild the tooth.


Do you offer mercury fillings to your patients?

At Corio Central Dental, we only offer white fillings to patients.


Before and After:

The image below shows an example of what the teeth look like, once the mercury filling removal is completed.

photo showing teeth with amalgam fillings and teeth with resin composite fllings
Mercury filling removal and replacement to white fillings improves the appearance of these teeth



man with missing teeth needs dentures

Please don’t plan for dentures!! Plan to keep your teeth for life. Let’s, explore a bit further.

What are dentures?

A denture is a prosthetic appliance to replace missing teeth. Dentures can be made from plastic or metal. They can replace all of the teeth in your mouth or only a few.

Does everyone lose teeth when they get older?

No, absolutely NOT! Losing teeth is NOT a standard part of the ageing process. Teeth need to be removed because of disease. Tooth disease may be associated to one or more of these:

  • Trauma/broken tooth
  • Cracked tooth
  • Dental caries
  • Gum disease
  • Erosion – can be diet related
  • Unsuccessful dental treatment
  • Infection

Is tooth loss genetic?

In general – NO! A very small number of people may have genetic mouth conditions that will mean they will lose teeth as a result. The majority of people, however, simply have the same bad habits as their family members. Here are some examples.


Parents did not have regular dental visits and kids don’t have regular dental visits

Parents eat sweets every day and kids learnt to have sweets every day

Parents smoke and kids smoke

Parents don’t brush their teeth regularly and kids don’t brush their teeth regularly

Parents always choose pulling out a tooth over saving a tooth and kids…..starting to get the idea?

Best way to avoid getting dentures, like your parents or siblings:

  • Regular dental checks – we cannot stress this enough. A simple 30min visit once a year can be the difference between struggling to eat for the rest of your life with artificial teeth or enjoying all the foods you love with your own natural teeth
  • Quit smoking! If you have not so already, this is the best thing you can do for your mouth and the rest of your body
  • We challenge you to keep a journal of all the foods you eat within a day, for one week and then bring it to Corio Central Dental. One of our dentist will go through the list with you, to see which foods contain sugar. You will be blown away when you find out!!



female smiling after smile makeover

No braces, smile makeover in Geelong

One of the biggest reasons patients feel embarrassed to smile is because they are not happy with the way their teeth look. We absolutely LOVE to surprise our patients and help them achieve a better smile in sometimes, a single visit, without any braces or Invisalign. A smile makeover is one of the treatments we routinely provide to our patients, at Corio Central Dental.

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is a customised improvement of a person’s smile to make it appear more pleasing. Each smile may require something different and for that reason our professional and dedicated dentists take the time to assess what your particular concerns and needs are, before starting the transformation. It may involve changing the shape and or colour of your teeth, replacing old fillings or replacing missing teeth.

Which problems can a smile makeover fix?

  • yellow teeth
  • chipped teeth
  • broken teeth
  • discoloured fillings
  • teeth that are too short
  • gaps between teeth
  • cracked teeth
  • poor position of teeth
  • missing teeth
  • gum problems
  • uneven size teeth

How much does it cost?

Each smile is as different as the person who wears it, so each treatment is unique. Once our dentists have had a chance to meet you and understand the best approach in improving your smile, we will offer a written treatment plan, so that the total cost is very clear before and treatment is commenced. We even offer the option to get your smile looking it’s best ever now and up to 12 months to pay the treatment off, via ZipMoney


How long does it take to create?

This completely depends on which concerns we are trying to address. Some enhancements can be done in a sinlge visit, while others may take months to achieve.

The following are some examples of improvements, which can be done in a single visit:

  • Bonded veneers
  • Replacing discoloured fillings
  • In office whitening session
  • Closing gaps between front teeth
  • Polishing chipped teeth
  • Fixing broken teeth

The long term dental health and success of the smile makeover is closely related to the home oral hygiene. Our team will offer special home care instructions, suited to your teeth and gums, to ensure your new smile lasts for life!


Book My Smile Makeover Consultation TODAY!


man with bad breath

What is bad breath?

A foul odour coming from the mouth is called halitosis. Bad breath is most commonly caused by bacteria. There are a number of reasons for this, the most common being dental decay and gum disease.

Reasons for bad breath:

  • tooth decay
  • gum disease
  • impacted wisdom teeth
  • poor oral care
  • smoking
  • dry mouth – can be caused by medications
  • acid reflux
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • oral disease, such as infections
  • foods – onions, garlic etc
  • stress
  • medical problems such as diabetes, cancer, kidney disease etc

What can I do to fix bad breath?

The first step is to find the real cause of bad breath. A great place to start is schedule a visit to Corio Central Dental. A dental check up will reveal, whether the origin of halitosis is coming from the mouth. Dental decay, gum disease and even oral cancer can be completely pain free, so unless a dentist has a look, patients may be completely unaware that any disease is present.

Sample scenario:

A patient comes to seek help, for his bad breath. This patient is in his mid 30’s. He is healthy and not taking any medications. He is committed to brushing his teeth twice a day, flossing and even using Listerine. The halitosis continues and he is fresh out of ideas. A dental check up reveals an impacted wisdom teeth, the patient had no idea was there. This is the real culprit for this patient’s bad breath. The wisdom tooth has cut through the gum, but there is not enough space for it to completely erupt into the mouth. This partial eruption causes the tooth to be covered by a layer of gum and food gets trapped under this gum flap. No amount of cleaning can help, so it begins to decay and causes pretty bad breath. Solution? Simple – wisdom tooth is removed and patient no longer has bad breath.


What if I don’t have any dental disease?

If a dentist gives the all clear for your teeth and gums, the next step is to speak to your GP. Halitosis may be originating from the bacteria that live in your gut and special testing may be required to check for this.




girl with her hand over hew jaw

What is teeth grinding?

Bruxism is the official name for teeth grinding together, when they should be at rest. This is unnatural activity and causes many negative consequences. Top and bottom teeth should only be in contact for about 20mins each day. This includes activities such as speaking, chewing, swallowing. When, not in use, top and bottom teeth should be a few mm apart.


Why do people grind their teeth?

It’s still unclear to scientists, why up to 30% of all people grind their teeth. Some of the more well known reasons are:

  • stress
  • prescription drugs
  • recreational drugs
  • genetic predisposition
  • anatomy of jaw
  • psychiatric disorders
  • neurological disorders


What are the signs and symptoms of teeth grinding?

  • teeth become shorter
  • teeth become more sensitive
  • teeth start to chip along edges
  • vertical cracks can be seen along the front of the tooth
  • shape of gum changes
  • headaches
  • jaw aches
  • pain when yawning
  • pain around jaws in the morning
  • discomfort when chewing hard foods

Teeth Grinding or Bruxism Can be Dangerous for You


How to stop teeth grinding?

Teeth grinding or bruxism can be a temporary response in relation to stressful time in a person’s life. At, Corio Central Dental, we have seen many patients complain of the above-mentioned signs during challenging times in their life. Circumstances, like exams, moving house, getting a divorce, etc. The grinding may naturally reduce, once the stressful even has passed. In most cases, however, grinding continues for many years and produces significant damage to teeth and gums. The best way to prevent further damage in these situations is to have a custom made night splint made by one of our dentists. Wearing this splint each night will allow the teeth to rest and this can reduce many of the symptoms like headaches and jaw pain.


What should I do if I think I’m a grinder?

Book in for a consultation with one of our amazing dentists and let us assess your unique situation. We can offer advice on repairing any damage which may have already been done and offer solutions on how to prevent problems in the future.


CLICK HERE -> To Book Your Teeth Grinding Consultation



woman pointing to her bleeding gums

Bleeding gums:

Bleeding gums are one of the most common dental problems that we see at Corio Central Dental. Patients usually experience bleeding gums for a long time or even most of their life and learn to live with this condition. Bleeding gums are the body’s way of letting you know that something is not quite right and management is needed. Gums may bleed spontaneously, while eating or while toothbrushing.

Some common reasons why gums bleed:

  • gingivitis
  • periodontal disease
  • hormonal imbalance
  • too long since last dental clean
  • toothbrushing too quick
  • incorrect toothbrushing technique
  • incorrect flossing
  • poorly fitting denture
  • poorly fitting filling
  • poorly fitting crown and bridge
  • viral infection
  • bacterial infection
  • fungal infection
  • trauma
  • partially erupted wisdom tooth
  • pregnancy
  • adolescence
  • medication side effects

Are bleeding gums serious?

Yes! Although, it may be completely pain free, bleeding gums can progress to a more serious dental disease. Managing the problem early is usually less expensive, too.

How do I fix bleeding gums?

There are a variety of reasons that may cause your gums to bleed, so the first step is to find the cause. The best place to start, is to see one of our amazing dentists for a consultation. It may be as simple as a look inside your mouth and some photos, or we may require further x-rays to be taken. If the cause is related to dental care / lack of dental care – we will instruct you on best practices for your particular case and may offer a professional dental clean. If the cause of bleeding gums is related to existing dental work which is in poor condition like –

  • poorly fitting denture
  • poorly fitting filling
  • poorly fitting crown and bridge

Our dentist will offer recommendations on replacing or adjusting this existing dental work to make your gums more happy and healthy.

How much does it cost?

A basic consultation to discuss your bleeding gums would cost $55. If you have not been for a dental check up, in some time, we would recommend the comprehensive dental examination package fo $195. This includes:

  • comprehensive examination
  • addressing all your dental concerns
  • intraoral photography
  • unlimited x-rays, as required
  • written treatment plan with all recommendations and costs
  • professional dental clean
  • prophylactic polish

Which toothbrush should I use?

A lot of patients are concerned about finding the “perfect” toothbrush and toothpaste, to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Luckily, all toothbrushes and toothpastes are OK at cleaning your teeth and gums. HOWEVER, this is not enough! A thorough dental examination at least once every 6mths is essential to ensure your teeth are healthy and gums never bleed again.





dental implant

What are dental implants Geelong?

Dental implants Geelong are becoming a very popular option to replace missing teeth, and for good reason! Implants are the closest possible treatment option to a natural tooth. They consist of a metal screw (artificial root) which is placed in your jaw and a porcelain crown (artificial tooth). Once placed and healed they feel almost like a real tooth and you can eat pretty much anything you want on them.’


Do they work?

Yes! Dental implants Geelong are the most predictable and successful type of dental treatment available today, of all dental treatments! There is a lot of planning that goes into each case, and it may take 6 moths or even longer, sometimes from start to finish. Don’t worry most of that length of time is healing, which you do at home. There are surprisingly few appointments required, with long intervals in between.


Are they expensive?

Quoting for dental treatment without seeing you and your specific scenario is almost asking how long is a piece of string? We understand that cost is a very important aspect of treatment and will always give you a clear treatment plan with costs and item codes (in case you need to claim on dental insurance). A single tooth implant is around $5,000-$6,000.


Aren’t implants cheaper overseas?

Yes, some patients are able to find great bargains in other countries. HOWEVER, dentist overseas may use substandard materials and techniques which can result in implant failure. Removing a failed implant and placing a new one in Australia may actually costing MUCH more financially and emotionally, overall. We recommend Straumann as one of the best systems on the market.

How do I get a dental implant?

The first step is to speak to one of our friendly dentists and see if you are suitable for a dental implant. Some medical conditions, medications and specific mouth factors are not favourable for dental implants. Meet our team.




Woman smoking

What is oral cancer?

Oral or mouth cancer is used to describe a group of cancers that start in the region of the mouth. Most common sites are lips, tongue and floor of the mouth. It can also start in the cheeks, gums, roof of the mouth, tonsils and even salivary glands.


What are the symptoms ?

The following list is taken from Cancel Council

  • a lump in your neck
  • loose teeth
  • swelling or a sore on your lip that won’t heel
  • difficult or painful swallowing
  • changes in speech
  • bleeding or numbness in the mouth
  • white or red patches on the mouth, tongue or gums
  • unexplained weight loss.


Is it painful?

Mostly not. It can be slow or fast growing, depending on the type. Patients rarely notice any signs, early on. Pain can develop later on, once the cancer spreads. Usually, a dentist is the first person to spot an oral cancer. Patients often don’t notice anything.


What does mouth cancer look like?

Is it serious?

Yes! Cancer of the mouth is just as serious as, other types of cancer. Some types of oral cancers can lead to severe and tragic consequences.  If oral cancer spreads to other parts of the body or lymph nodes, the prognosis can be very poor.


How to check if I have mouth cancer?

Oral cancer involves areas which are very hard to examine yourself, like the inside of your cheeks, salivary glands or the roof of your mouth, for example. A GP does not usually check these surfaces during a routine check-up. Corio Central Dental highly recommend that a dentist performs a thorough oral cancer screening for you, at least once a year.


Why do people get oral cancer?

In Australia, more than half of oral cancers are caused by smoking. Around 31% are caused by alcohol consumption. UV radiation is also linked to lip cancers. Genetics do play a role, as well.