woman looking very impressed

Do you have the best dentist in Geelong?

We live in a fast-paced world where technology is ever changing, expectations placed upon us are higher than ever and time is always lacking. Materialistic possessions and monetary achievements are highly valued. Dentists and dental practices have a reputation of being expensive, money hungry, judgemental and indifferent.


Unfortunately, at Corio Central Dental, we often hear patients share stories, where one or more of the above-mentioned, have been true. We hear them with the greatest regret and from the bottom of our hearts, believe this:


A dental health care professional is obligated to offer you the following, each and every time you meet:






-actions driven by integrity

-options for your unique situation

-financial sincerity

-time to process the information

-anxiety management strategies

-allow you to make a decision at your own pace


We believe that all the components on the above list would create the best dentist, not just your average dentist.


Difference between good dentist and best:

A good dentist is someone who has good knowledge of teeth. A dentist who is able to diagnose the problem and perform dental treatment to a satisfactory standard. A best dentist, however, understands that there is a human being sitting in front of them, often petrified and in a position lacking control. A best dentist understands that building a safe and honest space, where a healthy dentist-patient relationship can grow and flourish is the key. Dental treatment is performed in a sincere and professional manner, once trust has been established. The best dentist Geelong is free of judgement, preconceived notions or agendas. The best dentist is ready to serve and honour each person’s unique needs and sensitivities.


Corio Central Dental believes that you deserve best dentist in Geelong. Listen to what our patients have to say:









photo of pregnant woman

Is it safe to have dental treatment when pregnant?

It’s extremely important to make sure you don’t have any infections or disease relating to your teeth and gums during pregnancy. Dental appointments during pregnancy can either be check-ups or actual treatment. Check-ups are very safe and an excellent idea, to have during your pregnancy. If you are experiencing pain already, it’s much better to have the problem resolved, instead of taking pain killers and antibiotics. Leaving tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health problems untreated can be harmful to you and your baby.

Does being pregnant put me at a higher risk of dental disease?

Many changes occur during pregnancy and yes, the risk of having dental problems increase.

Most common problems are

  • Hormones levels change during pregnancy and this can cause bleeding gums – a condition called gingivitis
  • Mouth ulcers can become more frequent
  • Pregnancy epulis – a lump on the gum can form during pregnancy
  • Vomiting can lead to higher exposure of teeth to acid, leading to sensitivity and/or pain
  • Increased sugar cravings can lead to more cavities
  • Less time for proper oral care can leave your mouth health neglected

pregnancy gingivitis


Corio Central Dental will often recommend making several dental appointments during pregnancy, so we can check the condition of your teeth and gums, recommend adjustments to your oral care routine or carry out any treatments needed. We are very proud to have an all female team and will do our very best to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

What should I do before getting pregnant?

Ensuring that you are free of dental disease is very important before becoming pregnant. Corio Central Dental recommends that you have a comprehensive examination and manage any urgent conditions, to prevent pain and infection in the next 12mths. Something as simple as an impacted wisdom tooth, which has never bothered you in the the past, may flare up during pregnancy and can cause a serious facial swelling. Preventing this is much better than managing the pain later.

Can I have dental x-rays during pregnancy?

If you are already experiencing pain and need urgent dental treatment to be done, x-rays be  unavoidable. The level of radiation is minimal and equivalent to about 20mins out in the sunshine. However, if you are just having a routine check- up, Corio Central Dental may suggest waiting until the end of your pregnancy to have the x-rays taken.

Is dental anaesthetic safe during pregnancy?

Most dental anaesthetics are safe during pregnancy. If you are in pain and needing urgent dental care, it is a good idea to ensure that you are numb enough and do not feel pain during the appointment. If you feel comfortable during the appointment, your body and your baby will be under much less stress. There are some anaesthetics which are not safe to use during pregnancy, so ensure you always make it clear to the dentist, that you are expecting.

Can I get a tooth pulled when pregnant?

Yes, it is possible to perform most dental treatments, like root canal treatment, extractions and fillings during pregnancy. Experiencing pain and infection for a long period of time is more detrimental to your and your baby’s health, then having a dental procedure which will help to eliminate the pain and infection.

Does a root canal affect pregnancy?

Root canal treatment may be necessary to save a very decayed tooth from being extracted. Root canal treatment can stop the pain right away, by removing the infected tissue. This time of treatment can be performed during pregnancy.



broken tooth

How much?

One of the most commonly asked questions we hear from patients at Corio Central Dental is; How much will my treatment cost?It’s a question that we always try to answer, before starting any dental treatment and offer as many treatment options as possible, in various price ranges. We hope you find the following insights about dental insurance helpful.


What are Item Codes?

Any work done by a dentist has an item code (numeric description of the treatment). This is 3 digits long for example: 011, 022, 521. Some standard dental treatments such as; a root canal treatment, usually have multiple item codes, for a single appointment.


What are dental rebates?

When a patient has private dental insurance, the insurance company for example BUPA, HCF, GMHBA, Australian Unity etc, will refund a certain amount of money, for each item code. This refund is called a rebate. The rebate amount depends on the level of cover. That means – the more you pay per month, the more you get back. A large number of patients believe that they should receive far more, than they will actually receive. Insurance advertising is a very interesting this!! We come across this on a daily basis at, Corio Central Dental. Patients, please read the fine print of your private insurance contract and know what you are being covered for.

At, Corio Central Dental, we are able to provide you with a quote for your dental insurance rebate amount. A treatment plan (complete list of all the item codes, created by a dentist) is needed for this. Quote can be arranged at Corio Central Dental reception, NOT over the phone. We will need your private health insurance card on the day.

How to decide if it’s worth getting private dental insurance:

-how much will your total dental treatment cost?

-how much will you pay for dental insurance?

-how much $ will you get back?

It may be helpful to calculate this for a 12mth period.


Example case scenario:

Total treatment plan is $5,799, to be done over 12mths

Total cost of insurance ($100 p/m) = $1,200 over 12mths

Total rebate expected $1,450 within 12mths (most insurance policies have a limit rebate for each 3/6/12 mth period, please study the fine print!)

So, it would be up to you, to decide, whether it’s worth paying $1,200 to receive $1,450.

The actual benefit would be a mere $250 over a 12mth period, in this example. (Even though the insurance companies may make it sound a lot better.)

Hopefully, It’s now clear to understand why it is very difficult for our phone staff to give a patient an idea of how much “out of pocket” cost they would be required to pay, before we have a chance to carry out a consultation.

If you don’t currently have insurance and are considering signing up, it’s a great idea to have a dental treatment plan made, so that you can make an informed decision, about your rebate potential. Dental treatment plan will also help when choosing the best level of cover, in your situation.




Feeling anxious about booking in to see a dentist? Meet our friendly female dentists.